In the past few years financing rules have become more rigid when it comes to consumer dispute notations on credit. What is a consumer dispute notation? When a consumer disputes information on credit a dispute note will be placed on the account in question. Initially, when a negative account is disputed it may very well be taken out of the score formula or at least cause increases in credit scores until verification by the creditor and the credit bureau is complete.
This also applies to good accounts that have been disputed. If the account is a positive trade line the pending dispute could have the opposite impact and reduce scores. When the initial verification is complete the account will either be corrected or verified as accurate. At that point the dispute notation will be removed and the account will then be fully factored into the score. If the consumer continues to dispute the account after the initial verification a notation is placed stating the consumer disagrees and disputes the information on the credit report. This can also alter the score.
Most loans will not be approved by a lender or will be kicked into manual underwriting if a consumer dispute notation is pending or unresolved on credit. Lenders are very aware of how these statements can change scores and most have rigid restrictions about what they will accept when approving financing. Most mortgage professionals are aware that a consumer dispute notation can inhibit their ability to get a loan closed but don't really know why.
Lenders want to price loans correctly with the level of risk the borrower reflects. An accurate score prior to pricing and extending financing is their primary concern which is why removing and/or resolving consumer dispute notations on accounts prior to getting a loan is so important.
A high quality credit repair company will explain this to loan officers when they have completed changes to an individuals credit and will remove any dispute notations before giving the applicant approval to begin the mortgage process. Unfortunately, there are many dispute factory type credit repair companies out there and even consumers that randomly dispute information with no strategy or foresight into how these dispute notations will impact the loan application. Mortgage professionals need to make sure the lender will approve financing if they plan on submitting an application with these open statements on credit. If a loan officer pulls a credit profile and sees consumer dispute notations they should make the applicant aware of the need to have these notations removed or resolved. In many cases it is quite difficult and confusing for the layman to address these issues on credit. Feel free to reach out to us for assistance.
Call us at 877-292-0656 with any questions or feedback on credit challenged clients or credit in general!
Making sure credit is analyzed with future real estate purchases in mind is a MUST before taking an action that can foil those plans and limit a consumers options for a better quality of life.
"Guiding you from financial distress to financial success"