Friday, February 27, 2015

A Simplified Outlook On Credit Repair

            Accumulating too much credit has never been a good practice. If someone is feeding you the notion that having a lot of credit is okay, that it is now an accepted part of finances and a very common practice then stay as far away as possible from that person. Having too much credit that is not manageable is reckless and it has always been and will always be. Now another bad thing about having too much credit is the bad reputation.

            It is often the case that people with bad credit history are hounded by credit card companies, loan companies and banks. But the thing is, today utility companies and even employers also frown upon people with low credit scores. This is essentially why you should take care of your credit score and undergo some credit repair if necessary.

            I do understand, however, that sometimes having credit is an unavoidable circumstance. An emergency medical expense or your company goes under are just some of the instances that you need to borrow some money for a while in order to live on the daily expenses. But the idea here is borrowing money only on a temporary basis. You need to pay what has been owed as quickly as you can you won't get too low of a credit score.

            You need to make a preemptive strive on your credit score if you do find out that it is already going down fast. There are some techniques to help you repair your credit standing. Some are quite basic that you can practice or should learn to practice more often to improve your scores. Always remember that the more you put on hold repairing your credit standing, the more difficult it will be.

            An example of which is by paying your credit card bills or other loans on time. Credit card bills are one of the first things that finance companies look at to evaluate your credit rating. If they find that you have not been paying your bills on time, you will get low ratings on your credit scores. Sometimes or oftentimes, people just forget to pay their credit card loans.

            Avoid doing so. This can be seen as negligence on your part and seeing you as not responsible enough to plan your finances. Every unpaid and overdue bill is recorded in your credit history, which is a negative mark on your credit record.

            Another good way to end your endless cycle of accumulating credit bills is to avoid using your other credit cards to pay off other credit card bills. You're just paying your credit with more credit. This is simply not acceptable. What you should do is work on one credit card bill and after you have paid it off, do not use it for a while.

            The more cards you have, the higher the chances that you use them especially if you have been accustomed to that lifestyle for so long. Get all your credit cards settled and leave just one for emergency use. Credit cards that you don't use for a short period of time actually increase your credit ratings contrary to some beliefs.

            One other way to help your credit score is making advance payments on loans or better yet making extra payments whenever you have the money. What this shows is that you want to do away with your loans as soon as possible and you're making every means necessary to pay if off way before the loan date matures. It shows you are responsible and you have all intentions of paying back loans. This is a big deal to all finance and credit companies.

            Now, you can do all these things if you don't take out loans too much at one time. Learn to budget your needs and take out loans only if you have paid off the previous one. Having too much credit at one time will definitely cause you problems on making the payments. Keep a realistic time-table and proper finance projection so you can plan on the loan payments.

            Credit repair is a necessary thing especially when you have found out that your credit scores have decreased to an all time low. It is important to keep ahead of your credit or loan payments to avoid any other money problems in the future. 

            Since some want more information on how to improve their credit profile, we have decided to offer our ebook, Credit ABC’s, that teaches you how to read your credit report and find inaccurate items to remove from your credit report quickly and effectively and 10 ways to improve your credit scores and live the lifestyle of your dreams. 

        Click here for instant access to download the book now. All you have to do is implement the steps and be on your way to a higher credit score.

About The Author:

Stephanie is a highly preferred credit repair consultant. Also, she is the Owner of Precision Credit Restoration. At Precision Credit Restoration, she specializes in helping individuals and business owners establish excellent credit scores and then leverage those scores for individuals to get qualified for big purchases such as a new car, their dream home, and high limit credit cards and for business owners to get access to cash and credit to grow their businesses.
Her writings are based on her past experiences and those of helping many of her clients. She is also known as “The Credit Repair Queen”.
For more information on credit tips visit:

Thursday, February 12, 2015

No Money? Credit Shot? Who Cares....Your Swipe File Is Here!

I just got an email from one of my prospective clients. This is what she wanted to know:

"I soooo desperately need some money and a new car, but I don't have a single penny to my name to work "from".

How can you help a person who financially has NOTHING? And, my credit is SHOT, as a matter of fact, CAN YOU HONESTLY HELP ME???"

This is a common question we get, so I am glad she asked.  If you THINK there is no way to invest in repairing your credit without paying thousands of dollars, then I am personally telling you that YOU ARE WRONG!

But before I became a credit repair consultant, I thought the same in the word can anyone do this, it MUST be bogus! But what I have learned is that you don't know, what you don't know! And it wasn't until I started EDUCATING myself that I found out that there were indeed ways to repair my credit that does not require paying thousands of dollars or enrolling into a monthly credit repair program which takes years to complete.

If you don't know how, then say you do not know.  But DO NOT, dismiss this without looking into it first.  And for heaven's sake...DO NOT listen to all the negative people in your life telling you that it is not possible.  Please note that this is the same exact technique I used to take my credit score from 535 to 811 in only 90 days.

So, the people telling you that it isn't possible are obviously not credit repair experts, so why would you even listen to them?  You don't let a lawyer perform heart surgery on you, do you? Of course not!

So take a look at The Ultimate Credit Repair Swipe File and see for yourself how you can start repairing your credit today.  It costs NOTHING to find out the truth, that these powerful proven letters are the key to your success.  You owe yourself that much.  After-all, without doing something new or different, your circumstances are destined to stay the same!


P.S. You have nothing to lose because it's absolutely FREE, but you have everything to gain.  Start by taking action now.

P.P.S. Please feel free to contact us at 877-292-0656 for a free consultation should you need further assistance of have any questions.

Cheers To Financial Freedom,

Stephanie "The Credit Repair Queen"
Certified Credit Consultant